One day the sun disappeared so all the cold blooded creatures started hunting the warm blooded creatures for warmth. you are one of the last warm blooded creatures left. you need to collect the twelve fragments of the sun to bring the sun back.

  • space to use fire (your health is your ammo and your health so make sure not to use this too much)
  • wasd to move
  • e to interact with first aid kits and sun fragments 

warning: contains blood and jumpscares


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Kept getting lost in the green void before I could finish putting the sun together unfortunately :(

Love the concept though, the jump scare is definitely a banger hahahah. Also really enjoyed how you presented the pieces of the sun to the player. That was perfectly vile. 

(2 edits)

I'm gonna fix that (the getting lost part) after the voting ends so it is not nearly impossible to beat the game.

Nice! I haven't played it (this may be done live in several days or so BTW, so check out my channel : Charley the Postman - YouTube), but this game looks well thought up, and even though the visuals aren't the best, they are honestly pretty good. It looks like there are some interesting mechanics, can't wait to play it!!!

thanks for submitting to the Panic Horror Jam!  

when is the live stream?

Ah well, I expect to start it possibly within two weeks. I still need to schedule the Youtube event though, so people can get notified.